The Elephant in the Flipped Classroom

Can we discuss the elephant in the room? You know, the one about flipped classrooms? As I see some teachers drooling over the concept, I can’t help but think to myself that this idea isn’t all that novel. A few years ago a new teaching revolution took off – the power of flipping the classroom. The basic idea…

Chapter 2 of 7 Completed!

I am excited to say that I am officially done laying down the text for my chapter on political geography.  It took me about a week longer than I hoped, but I it is one of the longer units to cover.  I am going to set the chapter aside for now and start organizing my…

To PhD’s-I Know Something You Don’t Know…

What originally started out as a plan to create a text just for my students, evolved into a concept for a work that can hopefully also help others.  After reading message board after message board and having discussions with many other teachers that teach the same course that I do, I found that they all…

I am Taking the Leap

Another teacher in my department has already done so, it is a collection of worksheets, lecture notes, and primary sources for teaching American History.  Word on the street is, it was the most stressful year of his life, and he never even really published it.  By publish, I mean attain an ISBN number. He simply did it…